Michi von Ah
I'm a boy from switzerland.

About me
Hi, my name is Michi von Ah and I'm loading... years old. I'm interested in smartphones, computers and electromobility (mainly Tesla). In my free time I like to be on the computer and program something (for example this website), go for a walk or bake a cake. I also like to listen to music and podcasts. Besides, I'm an Apple fan and would love to have a Tesla someday. This is my website and here you can find some stuff I created. Have Fun!
Funfact: This website consists of a total of just over 1′829 lines of code.


Michi's Escape Room
As a final project for school, I programmed an Escape Room game. For this I used the programming languages HTML, CSS and JavaScript. If you want to know more about the development process of my game, click here . If you want to play it, click the button below. Good luck.

I have programmed a Jass game in which you play with three computer opponents. You can set how fast the opponents play and what their names are. The game can be installed on your smartphone or tablet as a PWA.

Themepark Alerts
I created a tool which alerts you when the waiting times of subscribed attractions in your favourite themepark sinks or increase. The notifications are sent to a Discord webhook or to your ntfy-server. The tool runs in a Docker container. You can find more information about it on GitHub.

Website arminvonahgmbh.ch
I programmed the website of Armin von Ah GmbH. It is a onepagger with information about the company held in the colors of the company.

Password Generator
I‘ve programmed a simple and minimalistic password generator. You can choose from different password types and copy the password afterwards.

As part of a school project, three of us have developed an app that aims to improve your day at Europa-Park. The app automatically creates a dynamic daily schedule to minimise the time spent queuing. If you want to find out more about the development of the app, click here .

3D Print Cost Calculator
A simple tool that calculates the cost of a 3D printed object. The printer used, the amount of filament used, printing time, material/packaging costs and labour time as well as an optional margin can be specified. A total price is then calculated from this.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the question to display the answer.
Did you programed this website yourself?
Yes, I programmed this website myself using HTML, CSS and JavaScript programming languages.
How did you get into computers?
I came to computers because I have been interested in computers and other technology since I was very young. When I was a kid, I always wanted my own laptop and often made laptops, printers and more out of cardboard. I was finally able to fulfill my dream of having my own laptop in the second grade.
Which countries would you like to visit?
I would love to visit many countries and cities like Norway, Iceland, Ireland, California, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Amsterdam.
Contact me
If you want contact me, fill out this form or send a mail to [email protected].
Hint: The form is currently disabled because the site is stil under construction. It can still change.
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Instagram @michivonah
Instagram @vompictures
Twitter @michivonah
GitHub @michivonah
LinkedIn Michi von Ah